Chocolate Smoothie

chocolate smoothie


  • 1 ripe banana
  • 2 tablespoons unsweetened cocoa powder
  • 2 tablespoons natural peanut butter (or almond butter for a different flavor)
  • 1 cup milk (dairy, almond, soy, or any milk of your choice)
  • 1/2 cup Greek yogurt (or a dairy-free alternative for creaminess)
  • 1-2 tablespoons honey or maple syrup (adjust to taste)
  • 1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract
  • 1 cup ice cubes
  • Whipped cream and chocolate shavings for garnish (optional)


1. Prepare the Banana:

  • Peel the ripe banana and break it into chunks for easier blending.

2. Add Cocoa Powder and Peanut Butter:

  • In a blender, combine the banana chunks, unsweetened cocoa powder, and natural peanut butter (or almond butter). These ingredients will give the smoothie its chocolate and nutty flavors.

3. Pour in Milk:

  • Add 1 cup of milk of your choice. For a creamier texture, you can use whole milk or a milk alternative like almond or soy milk.

4. Spoon in Greek Yogurt:

  • Add the Greek yogurt to the blender. This adds creaminess and a touch of tang to the smoothie.

5. Sweeten:

  • Add honey or maple syrup for sweetness. Start with 1-2 tablespoons and adjust to your preferred level of sweetness.

6. Add Vanilla Extract:

  • Include the vanilla extract for an extra layer of flavor.

7. Ice Cubes:

  • Add 1 cup of ice cubes to make the smoothie cold and refreshing.

8. Blend Until Smooth:

  • Blend all the ingredients until the mixture is smooth and creamy. If the smoothie is too thick, you can add a little more milk to reach your desired consistency.

9. Taste and Adjust:

  • Taste the chocolate smoothie and adjust the sweetness or texture as needed. You can add more honey, cocoa powder, or vanilla extract to fine-tune the flavor.

10. Serve:

  • Pour the chocolate smoothie into a glass.

11. Garnish (Optional):

  • If you’d like, top your chocolate smoothie with whipped cream and chocolate shavings for an extra indulgent treat.

12. Enjoy your homemade Chocolate Smoothie! It’s a delightful and chocolaty beverage that’s perfect for satisfying your sweet tooth or as an energizing snack. Sip and savor the rich and creamy goodness.
